Do I Need Liver Support?

What Does the Liver Do in Our Body?

The liver is a remarkable organ that plays a pivotal role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. It carries out over 500 different functions in our body, including metabolism, immunity, digestion, detoxification, and even vitamin storage. 

Bile Production: One of its critical functions is the production of bile, which aids in the digestion of fats, allowing us to absorb them better in the gut. It also helps digest cholesterol and transports waste products from the liver.

Blood Filtration: The liver acts as a blood filter, removing toxins and harmful substances. Additionally, it transports essential components like enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and hormones throughout the body.

Blood Sugar Regulation: It plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels, helping to maintain stable energy levels and overall health.

Storage: The liver stores important fat-soluble vitamins and essential minerals like copper and iron, ensuring our body has a reserve of these vital nutrients.

Immune Support: It’s an integral part of our immune system, safeguarding us against infections and diseases.

Drug Metabolism: The liver is responsible for metabolizing drugs, ensuring they are broken down and processed effectively in our bodies.

Thyroid Hormone Function: It also plays a role in the function of thyroid hormones, which are essential for our metabolism.

Things that Inhibit Liver Function

1. Alcohol and Drugs: Alcohol consumption and drug use can overwhelm the liver, leading to damage and decreased function.

2. Environmental Toxins: Exposure to environmental toxins can strain the liver as it tries to detoxify the body. 

3. Processed Foods: A diet rich in processed foods can burden the liver with excessive sugar, unhealthy fats, and additives.

4. Stress: Chronic stress increases the release of stress hormones in the liver, triggering inflammation.

5. Repressed Emotions (Anger): Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)  links anger to the liver. Repressed anger can manifest as irritability, frustration, and a negative outlook on life, affecting liver energy (Qi) flow. According to TCM, eating an excess of spicy foods can irritate the liver.

Signs & Symptoms Your Liver Needs Support

Most people will need some liver support, especially if you have chronic health issues. Look out for these specific symptoms:

1. Waking up between 1 and 3 am.

2. Acne.

3. Irregular menstrual cycles. 

4. Anxiety.

5. Gut dysbiosis.

How Do I Support Liver Function?

Supporting your liver involves both reducing harmful factors and adopting liver-regenerating habits.

1. Diet: Focus on consuming a whole foods diet with an emphasis on protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and moderate saturated fats. Avoid processed foods and excessive alcohol consumption.

2. Lifestyle: Incorporate moderate exercise into your daily routine and engage in natural physical activities like walking and gardening. Focus on creating good relationships with people and be part of a community. This could include being part of clubs, volunteering, and local events. 

3. Emotional Health: Address repressed emotions, especially anger, through practices like somatic healing and therapy.
4. Self-Care: Plan enjoyable activities with friends and family to boost your emotional well-being. Your mental and physical health are closely related, being happy makes it easier for your body to heal.

Foods & Herbs that Support Liver Function

1. Bitter and Sour Foods: Incorporate bitter and sour foods and herbs like apple cider vinegar (ACV), citrus fruits, apples, olives, rhubarb, arugula and dandelion greens. I love starting my mornings with warm lemon water to boost detoxification.

2. Liver supporting herbs: Milk thistle, dandelion root, artichoke, and curcumin.

3. Minerals and Vitamin-Rich Foods: Consume foods rich in minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Opt for cruciferous vegetables, beans, fatty fish, beets and berries.

Remember, taking care of your liver is essential for your overall health. Start with one thing from this post and learn to incorporate more areas over time. It takes time for your body to heal and reach homeostasis. Be graceful with yourself and learn to enjoy the process of healing.

My Favorite Liver Supporting Supplement

Buy Here

If you are looking to further support your liver I highly recommend reading Emily Morrow’s blog post about liver support. She’s an all-star when it comes to anything health related and has a wealth of knowledge.
