My Favorite Health Podcasts

How do you explore holistic wellness and healing? Personally, podcasts have been my primary source of learning. Why? It’s easy and enjoyable. I listen during walks, while cleaning, during travel, in the car—basically, anywhere. Over the past year, I’ve sifted through numerous podcasts, finding that some are undoubtedly better than others. We all start from different points, but initially, I knew almost nothing about holistic wellness. I also didn’t want to invest in a multitude of books, considering the time and expense involved. Listening to podcasts is entirely free and can be seamlessly integrated with other activities—multitasking at its finest.

I’ve compiled a list of my absolute favorite podcasts. While I listen to more and may share them in another blog post, they don’t quite match up (in my opinion). The listed podcasts are not arranged in any particular order, as I believe each excels in different aspects.

The Best Holistic Health Podcasts

Red Pill Your Healthcast


Hosted by: Lauren Johnson and Dr. Charlie Fagenholz 

Why I like it: I just recently found the Red Pill Your Healthcast through an episode they did with Emily Morrow, who I adore. What keeps me coming back is the deep dive into specific health issues and their ability to break down complex topics into great learning.

Who is it for? This podcast is more advanced. If you have a good foundational understanding of how the body works, this podcast’s your jam. But if you’re just starting, it might feel like diving into the deep end.

Fully Nourished


Hosted by: Jessica Ash

Why I like it: Fully Nourished, a recent discovery, has quickly become a favorite. Jessica delves into femininity, aligning with feminine energy, health foundations, and spirituality. Exploring crucial aspects of our daily lives, she emphasizes the significance of small shifts for our health, echoing the belief that genuine healing requires faith.

Who is it for? This one’s for everyone – It’s perfect for beginners but also those more seasoned in their learning journey. 

Are you menstrual?


Hosted by: Amanda Montalvo 

Why I like it: Amanda Montalvo is my mineral guru, and her podcast has been a game-changer for me. From learning about health foundations to feeling like I’ve got an older sister guiding me through, it’s a wealth of knowledge. She’s the queen of explaining health issues in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming and makes it easy to stick with new healthy habits. 

Who is it for? This is a great beginner podcast. But anyone could enjoy it. Even though I’m familiar with many of the topics she discusses, I still learn something new every time. Everything else serves as a valuable reminder. It can be easy to overlook the simple yet impactful actions we can take for our health—actions that are free and accessible to virtually everyone.

Huberman Lab


Hosted by: Dr. Andrew Huberman

Why I like it:  Dr. Andrew Huberman is a master at interviewing people. He poses all the right questions and brings on the most interesting speakers. The episodes are usually lengthy, so I rarely manage to listen in one go, but they truly delve deep. Even though I don’t, it’s a podcast where you should definitely have a pen and paper to take notes (note to self).

Who is it for? This one’s for the knowledge seekers, the ones who crave that deep understanding. If you’re itching to learn, no matter your level of expertise, this podcast is a gold mine.

Wellness Digest


Hosted by: Tatum Hardy & Olivia Hedlund

Why I like it: Wellness Digest was one of the first podcasts I started tuning into, and I learned so much about the fundamental aspects of healing. With a plethora of episodes, they engage in fun discussions on topics I find super relevant for those in their early 20s. They’re currently on a break since Tatum had a baby, but I’m eagerly looking forward to listening again once they’re back on track!

Who is it for? This one’s for the young and curious health enthusiasts. While it’s still relevant for those in their 30s and beyond, some episodes might have that “young” feel – in a good way!

What’s The Juice


Hosted by: Olivia Amitrano

Why I like it: Olivia is a trained herbalist and has great episodes ranging all kinds of wellness topics. I just love her personality and energy, and I always feel optimistic and positive after listening. Her approach is truly holistic and talks about all aspects of life like dreams, friendships, diets, emotions and so on. 

Who is it for? While it skews a bit more toward beginner-friendly, honestly, anyone can get on board. I’ve picked up a ton, and I think you will too.

My final thoughts…

And there you have it, a glimpse into my favorite health podcasts that have been instrumental in my holistic wellness journey. Whether you’re delving into the intricacies of your health for the first time or seeking to deepen your understanding, there’s a podcast for everyone.

Remember, the beauty of podcasts lies in their versatility – an easy, enjoyable way to absorb knowledge while multitasking through daily activities. Feel free to explore these recommendations, and who knows, you might find a perfect match for your wellness journey. And if you do, I’d love to hear about it!