My healing philosophy

Your body is designed to protect you, to heal, and to automatically correct internal imbalances. It’s an amazing process that has kept us alive and well since the beginning of humanity. When symptoms appear, they’re your body’s way of gently telling you something needs to change. It’s only when these whispers are ignored that they grow into bigger problems, like diseases or more serious symptoms.

“It Runs in the Family”

A lot of the health issues you experience have been in your family for generations. It usually starts as habits and behaviors we’re taught while growing up, whether it’s intentional or just picked up from life experiences and our environment. We all know how hard it is to break habits—it takes determination and a lot of discipline. So, it’s not surprising that habits, including health habits, often don’t change much from generation to generation, unless someone decides to break the cycle.

The same goes for your health.

Not long ago, I came across the idea that unexpressed emotions get stored in the body and create discomfort until they’re dealt with. If we don’t process those emotions, they can eventually lead to symptoms and even disease. I find this concept similar to what’s discussed in The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk and When the Body Says No by Gabor Maté. This part of health is so important: you have to work on your emotional and mental well-being just as much as you work on your physical health. When you do, you’ll often find the answers you’ve been searching for.

How to start listening to your body

Understanding your body’s signals is the first step toward healing. But how do you actually start paying attention? Here are a few ways to tune into your body and begin addressing both emotional and physical imbalances:

  1. Mindful Observation: Take time each day to check in with yourself. Notice any physical sensations, aches, or discomfort, and reflect on whether there might be an emotional or mental trigger. Journaling can help with this process.
  2. Emotional Awareness: Start acknowledging your emotions instead of pushing them away. If you feel stress, sadness, or frustration, sit with those feelings for a moment. You can use practices like deep breathing, meditation, or simply allowing yourself to express what you’re feeling.
  3. Healthy Movement: Movement is a powerful way to release stored emotions. Whether it’s yoga, walking, running or dancing, find something that helps your body move freely and release tension.
  4. Rest and Replenish: Healing requires rest. Your body can’t restore balance if it’s constantly stressed or deprived of sleep. Make sure you’re prioritizing relaxation, getting enough sleep, and nourishing your body with healthy foods.
  5. Seek Support: Sometimes, we can’t do it all alone. If you feel stuck, consider seeking guidance from a therapist, coach, or health practitioner who understands the connection between emotions and physical health. Books like The Body Keeps the Score and When the Body Says No are great resources, but working with someone who can help you apply these ideas in your own life can be incredibly helpful.

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