The foundation of health and wellness

Health and wellness advice is everywhere. There’s so much information, so many tips on how to heal this condition or optimize that part of your life, that it can quickly become overwhelming. When I first started learning about health, I felt like I had to make so many changes. My habits were already pretty good, so if I felt that way, I can only imagine how overwhelming it must be for others facing this influx of information.

But the truth is, only a few key aspects really form the foundation of health.

Without further ado, let’s get into it.

#1 Eating real, whole foods like vegetables, meat, and fruit should make up about 80% of your diet. 

There are countless studies showing how processed foods cause inflammation and disrupt your gut microbiome. While processed foods might be convenient, they can contribute to current health issues or become a future problem when diseases arise.

Minimally processed foods are far more powerful for your health than most supplements. 

As the saying goes,

“You can’t out-supplement a bad diet.”

Research also shows that eating a diverse diet with a variety of plants, especially those rich in polyphenols, boosts beneficial gut bacteria. This, in turn, can reduce brain inflammation (supporting focus, mood, and memory), enhance your gut lining (important for immune function), and promote healthy aging, hormone health, metabolism, and more. 

In short, every plant supports different bacteria, which then supports specific health benefits = a more diverse diet will have greater benefit to your health.

Lastly, protein is essential for regulating blood sugar, building muscle, balancing hormones, and healthy aging. Muscle mass also releases anti-inflammatory molecules, giving you even more reasons to prioritise protein in your diet.

#2 Aim for Zone 2 physical activity every day and resistance training 3-4 days per week. 

30 minutes of zone 2 activities, like walking, biking, yoga, or pilates, that keep you within 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. You should be able to talk comfortably during these exercises. If you’re out of breath, you’re going too hard.

Regular exercise is crucial. It supports healthy blood circulation, boosts your immune system by moving your lymphatic fluid, keeps your heart healthy, strengthens muscles, and maintains flexibility. These benefits are key to aging well, supporting mental health, and feeling good overall.

Exercise also promotes the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, and norepinephrine, helping with stress relief and overall well-being.

This leads me to the third, and final foundational health pillar.

#3 Community is the best way to reduce stress and live a long and healthy life.

Stress is a silent killer. It not only makes healthy habits harder to maintain but also raises cortisol levels, disrupting hormone balance, digestion, and overall health.

Having a solid support system, people you can rely on, feel emotionally safe with, and be your authentic self around, signals to your nervous system that you are safe. This sense of security shifts you out of fight-or-flight mode, which is crucial for a long, healthy life.

With that being said, building community isn’t always easy. 

Personally, I’ve been searching for my own community for years and am still on that journey. Making friends, especially in your 20s, takes time. You have to put yourself out there, engage in activities you genuinely enjoy, and trust that the right people will find you. I plan to dive deeper into this in another post because it’s a topic I’m passionate about.

For now, though, here’s one piece of advice: don’t minimize yourself to fit in. Let your true personality, passions, and interests shine. The right people will appreciate you for who you are, and those are the people with whom you’ll form the most genuine connections.

In my opinion, these three pillars, nutrition, exercise, and community, form the foundation of health.

If you’re unsure where to start, this is it.

Focusing on these three areas will significantly improve any health condition and support you throughout your life.

Remember, this isn’t about perfection. Let it gradually build over time. Focus on improving just 1% each day. That’s how a strong foundation is built, one that can support you for years to come.

I genuinely hope these tips make health and wellness feel more approachable. Holistic wellness doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Most of the time, it’s about focusing on the basics and letting them transform your life.

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